Okay. So I'm pregnant again. Almost 17 weeks. The baby is due 28th May 2012. I've been sooo paranoid about this pregnancy after the miscarriage. Some bleeding in weeks 6 and 8 saw me visit the Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) at St Peters where I was given some reassuring scans which showed all was well. And things are still going well. I was able to hear the heartbeat using my trusty AngelSounds Doppler from week 9 and have been feeling the baby moving since around weeks 10 or 11. This pregnancy is so different from the first one. I have had morning sickness all the way up to week 15. My hair and skin is terrible this time round. And I've been so moody. I had none of this with Elliot. I'm convinced this one is a girl ... I find out on 12th Jan!!! Rock on Tommy!